Episode 11 with all the whole illegal boat and Houki angst needs to have something to build up from, otherwise the viewer simply doesn't care. I don't mind harems as much as most people, but this one just made me facepalm about it the entire way through.Ĭharacter interaction and individual personalities aside from Charlotte were entirely forgettable.Īction sequences that seriously make me fall asleep or bore me enough for me to skip ahead in the episode. In all seriousness, I was anticipating this anime to be the best this season. Infinite Stratos attacks with attempt at a cohesive and serious plot. Whatever, I'm just VERY HAPPY this is all over.5/10 WOW, there's just so many bad things, I don't think I can properly name them all. I feel so bad for Youko Hikasa, she's so Awesome as Mio, but every other character is fucking retarded, generic, and below average. This was even WORSE than I expected, Holy Shit, this was so ridiculous, so stupid, I feel like I was just raped. Well, whatever the reason may be, the only thing to do now is hope for a second season.Īlso, I'm posting this like 4 hours later than I had planned due getting server issues dropped on me while I was writing this :P There are 6 volumes out as of now, so they totally could've done a 24 episode season, which I think would have had the benefit of greater character development (especially considering the bulk of this run was devoted to introducing characters). My only real gripe is that it only got 12 episodes each episode save one lined up perfectly with a chapter from the novels, with this last one correlating with Volume 3's epilogue. It's the kind of show I'd watch over a long weekend when I've got nothing better to do, but that's perfectly fine with me. Infinite Stratos has the somewhat dubious honor of playing just about every harem/ecchi/school/mecha/romance trope ever completely straight, but you know what? I had fun, and as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters. While I would have liked the kiss to have gone through, the interruption being Cecilia's rifle was pretty hilarious. I liked those two together from the start, they just needed more time alone with each other to sort out their feelings.

Sure the end was reused, but it's not like they reused the exact footage. The whole fight was really cool and a lot of fun, as expected of the people who made Macross Frontier. While Ichika's recovery definitely felt like an ass pull, the IS was established as having an empathetic link with its pilot, it's just that it was only briefly mentioned in like episode 1 and almost never brought up again. Created more questions than answers, namely with regards to Tabane's true motives and the nature of the IS system.